System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Name Default message text
Current message text
pt-movepage-block-base-exists (Talk)The target translatable page "[[:$1]]" exists.
pt-movepage-block-base-invalid (Talk)The target translatable page name is not a valid title.
pt-movepage-block-section-exists (Talk)The target page "[[:$2]]" for the translation unit exists.
pt-movepage-block-section-invalid (Talk)The target page title for "[[:$1]]" for the translation unit would be invalid (too long?).
pt-movepage-block-subpage-exists (Talk)The target subpage "[[:$2]]" exists.
pt-movepage-block-subpage-invalid (Talk)The target subpage title for "[[:$1]]" would be invalid (too long?).
pt-movepage-block-tp-exists (Talk)The target translation page "[[:$2]]" exists.
pt-movepage-block-tp-invalid (Talk)The target translation page title for "[[:$1]]" would be invalid (too long?).
pt-movepage-blockers (Talk)The translatable page cannot be moved to a new name because of the following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}}:
pt-movepage-current (Talk)Current name:
pt-movepage-intro (Talk)This special page allows you to move pages which are marked for translation. The move action will not be instant, because many pages will need to be moved. While the pages are being moved, it is not possible to interact with the pages in question. Failures will be logged in the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] and they need to be repaired by hand.
pt-movepage-legend (Talk)Move translatable page
pt-movepage-list-count (Talk)In total $1 {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}} to move.
pt-movepage-list-other (Talk)Other sub{{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
pt-movepage-list-pages (Talk)List of pages to move
pt-movepage-list-section (Talk)Translation unit {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
pt-movepage-list-translation (Talk)Translation {{PLURAL:$1|page|pages}}
pt-movepage-logreason (Talk)Part of translatable page "$1".
pt-movepage-new (Talk)New name:
pt-movepage-reason (Talk)Reason:
pt-movepage-started (Talk)The base page is now moved. Please check the [[Special:Log/pagetranslation|page translation log]] for errors and completion message.
pt-movepage-subpages (Talk)Move all subpages
pt-movepage-title (Talk)Move translatable page "$1"
pt-parse-close (Talk)Unbalanced </translate> tag. Translation template: <pre>$1</pre>
pt-parse-nested (Talk)Nested <translate> translation units are not allowed. Tag text: <pre>$1</pre>
pt-parse-open (Talk)Unbalanced <translate> tag. Translation template: <pre>$1</pre>
pt-shake-empty (Talk)Empty translation unit for marker "$1".
pt-shake-multiple (Talk)Multiple translation unit markers for one translation unit. Translation unit text: <pre>$1</pre>
pt-shake-position (Talk)Translation unit markers in unexpected position. Translation unit text: <pre>$1</pre>
pubmedurl (Talk)//$1?dopt=Abstract
qbbrowse (Talk)Browse
qbedit (Talk)Edit
qbfind (Talk)Find
qbmyoptions (Talk)My pages
qbpageoptions (Talk)This page
qbsettings (Talk)Quickbar
qbsettings-directionality (Talk)Fixed, depending on the script directionality of your language
qbsettings-fixedleft (Talk)Fixed left
qbsettings-fixedright (Talk)Fixed right
qbsettings-floatingleft (Talk)Floating left
qbsettings-floatingright (Talk)Floating right
qbsettings-none (Talk)None
qbspecialpages (Talk)Special pages
querypage-disabled (Talk)This special page is disabled for performance reasons.
querypage-no-updates (Talk)Updates for this page are currently disabled. Data here will not presently be refreshed.
randompage (Talk)Random page
randompage-nopages (Talk)There are no pages in the following {{PLURAL:$2|namespace|namespaces}}: $1.
randompage-url (Talk)Special:Random
randomredirect (Talk)Random redirect
randomredirect-nopages (Talk)There are no redirects in the namespace "$1".
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