System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
translate-checks-malformed (Talk)<nowiki>$1</nowiki> is malformed.
translate-checks-pagename (Talk)Namespace changed from the definition
translate-checks-parameters (Talk)Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} not used: <strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>
translate-checks-parameters-unknown (Talk)Following {{PLURAL:$2|parameter is|parameters are}} unknown: <strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>
translate-checks-parametersnotequal (Talk)Parameter count is {{PLURAL:$1|$1}}; should be {{PLURAL:$2|$2}}.
translate-checks-plural (Talk)Definition uses <nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> but translation does not.
translate-checks-plural-dupe (Talk)<nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> has duplicate forms at the end. <nowiki>{{PLURAL:$1|sheep|sheep}}</nowiki> should be written as <nowiki>{{PLURAL:$1|sheep}}</nowiki>.
translate-checks-plural-forms (Talk)<nowiki>{{PLURAL:}}</nowiki> was given {{PLURAL:$1|one form|$1 forms}} but {{PLURAL:$2|only one form is|$2 forms are}} supported (excluding 0= and 1= forms).
translate-checks-xhtml (Talk)Please replace the following {{PLURAL:$2|tag|tags}} with correct ones: <strong><nowiki>$1</nowiki></strong>
translate-desc (Talk)[[Special:Translate|Special page]] for translating MediaWiki and beyond
translate-documentation-language (Talk)Message documentation
translate-dynagroup-additions-desc (Talk)This message group shows new and changed messages.
translate-dynagroup-additions-label (Talk)Recent additions
translate-dynagroup-by (Talk)Translation made by {{GENDER:$1|$1}}
translate-dynagroup-byc (Talk)Translation made by {{GENDER:$1|$1}} ($2)
translate-dynagroup-last (Talk)Latest change by {{GENDER:$1|$1}}
translate-dynagroup-lastc (Talk)Latest change by {{GENDER:$1|$1}} ($2)
translate-dynagroup-recent-desc (Talk)This message group shows all recent translations into this language. Most useful for the review tasks.
translate-dynagroup-recent-label (Talk)Recent translations
translate-edit-askpermission (Talk)Request permission
translate-edit-committed (Talk)Current translation in software
translate-edit-contribute (Talk)contribute
translate-edit-definition (Talk)Message definition
translate-edit-in-other-languages (Talk)Message in other languages
translate-edit-information (Talk)Information about message ($1)
translate-edit-jsopen (Talk)edit
translate-edit-no-information (Talk)''This message has no documentation.'' ''If you know where or how this message is used, you can help other translators by adding documentation to this message.''
translate-edit-nopermission (Talk)You need permission to translate messages.
translate-edit-tab-list (Talk)Message list
translate-edit-tab-next (Talk)>>>
translate-edit-tab-prev (Talk)<<<
translate-edit-tag-warning (Talk) 
translate-edit-title (Talk)Edit "$1"
translate-edit-tmmatch (Talk)$1% match
translate-edit-tmmatch-source (Talk)Translation source text: $1
translate-edit-tmsugs (Talk)Suggestions from translation memories and machine translation
translate-edit-translation (Talk)Translation
translate-edit-warnings (Talk)Warnings about incomplete translations
translate-ext-url (Talk)<hr />Website: $1
translate-fs-email-text (Talk)Please provide your email address in [[Special:Preferences|your preferences]] and confirm it from the email that is sent to you. This allows other users to contact you by email. You will also receive newsletters at most once a month. If you do not want to receive newsletters, you can opt-out in the tab "{{int:prefs-personal}}" of your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]].
translate-fs-email-title (Talk)Confirm your email address
translate-fs-intro (Talk)Welcome to the {{SITENAME}} first steps wizard. You will be guided through the process of becoming a translator step by step. In the end you will be able to translate ''interface messages'' of all supported projects at {{SITENAME}}.
translate-fs-pagetitle (Talk)Getting started wizard - $1
translate-fs-pagetitle-done (Talk) - done!
translate-fs-pagetitle-pending (Talk) - pending
translate-fs-permissions-help (Talk)Now you need to place a request to be added to the translator group. Select the primary language you are going to translate to. You can mention other languages and other remarks in textbox below.
translate-fs-permissions-pending (Talk)Your request has been submitted to [[$1]] and someone from the site staff will check it as soon as possible. If you confirm your email address, you will get an email notification as soon as it happens.
translate-fs-permissions-planguage (Talk)Primary language:
translate-fs-permissions-submit (Talk)Send request
translate-fs-permissions-title (Talk)Request translator permissions
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