System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
translate-ls-noempty (Talk) | Suppress completely untranslated message groups |
translate-ls-submit (Talk) | Show statistics |
translate-magic-cm-comment (Talk) | Comment: |
translate-magic-cm-current (Talk) | Current |
translate-magic-cm-export (Talk) | Export |
translate-magic-cm-original (Talk) | Original |
translate-magic-cm-save (Talk) | Save |
translate-magic-cm-savefailed (Talk) | Save failed |
translate-magic-cm-to-be (Talk) | To-be |
translate-magic-cm-updatedusing (Talk) | Updated using [[Special:AdvancedTranslate|{{int:Translate-magic-pagename}}]] |
translate-magic-errors (Talk) | Please fix following {{PLURAL:$1|error|errors}} in translations: |
translate-magic-help (Talk) | You can translate special pages aliases, magic words and namespace names. Special page aliases and magic words can have multiple translations. Translations are separated by a comma (,). Namespaces can have only one translation. Translating the project talk namespace <code>$1 talk</code> may be complicated. <code>$1</code> is replaced with the project sitename (for example <code>{{ns:project_talk}}</code>). If it is not possible in your language to form a valid expression without changing the sitename, please let us know on [[Support]]. You need to be a translator to save changes. Changes are not saved until you click the save button below. |
translate-magic-module (Talk) | Module: |
translate-magic-namespace (Talk) | Namespace names |
translate-magic-nothing-to-export (Talk) | There is nothing to export. |
translate-magic-notsaved (Talk) | Your edit was not saved! |
translate-magic-pagename (Talk) | Extended MediaWiki translation |
translate-magic-saved (Talk) | Your changes were saved successfully. |
translate-magic-special (Talk) | Special page aliases |
translate-magic-submit (Talk) | Fetch |
translate-magic-words (Talk) | Magic words |
translate-manage-action-conflict (Talk) | Import and fuzzy |
translate-manage-action-fuzzy (Talk) | Import and fuzzy translations |
translate-manage-action-ignore (Talk) | Ignore |
translate-manage-action-import (Talk) | Import |
translate-manage-conflict-summary (Talk) | Importing a new version from external source. Please check. |
translate-manage-fuzzy-summary (Talk) | The message definition has changed |
translate-manage-import-deleted (Talk) | Deleted message $1 |
translate-manage-import-diff (Talk) | Message $1 | Actions: $2 |
translate-manage-import-new (Talk) | New message $1 |
translate-manage-import-summary (Talk) | Importing a new version from external source |
translate-manage-inconsistent (Talk) | Detected inconsistency in the request. Please check for changes and try again. Details: $1. |
translate-manage-intro-other (Talk) | Below is list of translation changes in the language $1. Please review the changes and choose an action you want to take for each update. If you choose to ignore changes, this action is only temporary. |
translate-manage-nochanges (Talk) | There are no changes in message definitions for this group. |
translate-manage-nochanges-other (Talk) | There were no changes for this language. Use the link below to return to the group details view. |
translate-manage-submit (Talk) | Execute |
translate-manage-toolong (Talk) | The maximum processing time of $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} exceeded. Please resubmit the form to continue processing. |
translate-messagereview-doit (Talk) | Mark this translation as reviewed. |
translate-messagereview-done (Talk) | Reviewed |
translate-messagereview-failure (Talk) | Marking as reviewed failed: $1 |
translate-messagereview-no-fuzzy (Talk) | Fuzzy translations cannot be marked as reviewed. |
translate-messagereview-no-own (Talk) | You cannot mark your own translations as reviewed. |
translate-messagereview-progress (Talk) | Marking as reviewed... |
translate-messagereview-reviews (Talk) | Reviewed by {{PLURAL:$1|one user|$1 users}} |
translate-messagereview-reviewswithyou (Talk) | Reviewed by {{PLURAL:$1|you|$1 users including you}} |
translate-messagereview-submit (Talk) | Mark reviewed |
translate-mgs-column-language (Talk) | Language |
translate-mgs-fieldset (Talk) | Display preferences |
translate-mgs-group (Talk) | Message group: |
translate-mgs-invalid-group (Talk) | The specified group $1 does not exist. |
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